Mindful Eating: How to stay present at holiday tables
The holidays are here, and with them comes the joy (and sometimes chaos!) of festive feasting. It’s so easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of food and forget to pause and enjoy the moment. Mindful eating is a simple, stress-free way to stay present, be able savour your favourite dishes, and walk away from the table feeling good and satisfied — not totally overstuffed!
What Does Mindful Eating Really Mean?
Mindful eating isn’t about rules or restrictions—it’s about slowing down and actually enjoying your food. It’s simple the art of being present with your food and it’s a way to reconnect with your body, tune into hunger cues, and eat in a way that feels good both physically and emotionally.
Why Mindful Eating Matters During the Holidays
With so much going on, such as conversations, music, and an endless spreads of delicious food — it’s easy to overeat or feel disconnected from what you’re actually eating. By being more intentional, you can:
Enjoy your favourite foods guilt-free
Feel satisfied without always needing a second (or third!) plate
Leave the table feeling energised instead of sluggish.
6 Easy Ways to Stay Present at Holiday Tables
Start with a deep breath
Before you start, take a moment. Breathe in the smells, look at the spread, and ask yourself what you’re genuinely excited to eat. This quick pause helps shift you into a calmer, more mindful mindset.Eat what you love, leave what you don’t
You don’t have to try everything. Pick the foods you truly enjoy, and skip the ones you’re not that fussed about. (Grandma’s baking? Big yes. Store-bought bread rolls? Meh.)Check in with your hunger levels
Pause mid-meal and ask yourself, “How full am I feeling right now?” Eating slowly gives your body time to send those fullness signals, so you can gauge more easily when to stop.Savour each bite
Pay attention to the flavours, textures, and smells. Notice how good that first bite of pavlova tastes—it’s often the most satisfying!Don’t forget to socialise
Holiday meals are about connection, not just food. Use the time to chat, laugh, and soak in the moment. Bonus: it naturally slows down your eating pace.Give yourself permission to enjoy
Remember, one indulgent meal isn’t going to ruin your health or progress towards your goals. Holidays are about joy, and guilt is not invited!
Mindful eating doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s about enjoying your food, staying connected to your body, and soaking in the holiday fun. It can take some practice, so be kind to yourself and set realistic goals of just trying your best, because that truly is good enough! This year, let’s make the focus less about “perfect eating” and more about feeling good—because that’s what it’s all about.
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